Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Teacher's Teacher

Teaching with technology is an important step for me, personally and professionally.  But what about helping my colleagues to see the significance of this instructional media and encouraging them to "jump on the bandwagon" with me?  Is this something I am ready to do?  How can I go about this with respect and integrity when I am only just beginning to incorporate technology in meaningful ways myself?
I think the first thing I need to do is to share my enthusiasm, and my students’ enthusiasm, for this “newfound” teaching method.  Teachers’ curiosity tends to be piqued by students’ excitement.
Next, I need to share concrete ways in which to use technology in the classroom.  I know that I am much more likely to use new ideas when I have been given ways to use them, rather than having to sort it all out on my own.  Good, bad, or otherwise, it is the plain and simple truth that teachers are busy people who do not always have the time to develop new activities, especially when they are unfamiliar with the method of delivery.
I anticipate that one way to really help the other teachers to see the effectiveness of using technology in their classrooms is by allowing them to experience it for themselves.  Creating a PowerPoint presentation to explain the importance of integrating technology and for sharing examples and creating a webquest designed to guide them through how to use our available technology are two tools that I could use.
I think the most important part of being a leader is leading by example.  I cannot lead where I am not willing to go.  I love being a teacher, whether I am teaching my students or I am facilitating the learning of my colleagues.  My passion for learning, my own and others, is what I believe makes me the teacher I am.  Sharing that passion is what makes me the teacher I want to be.

1 comment:

  1. Once you start utilizing more technology in your classroom that will generate enthusiasm amongst your students. Other teachers in the building could see this and wonder what your doing. If you are approached, then you could show them some things and possibly motivate them to try it in their classroom. As you stated, "Leading by example."
